Monday, July 16, 2007

Auctioneer more than a fast talker

Ran on Monday, July 16, 2007

Gimme Five

Auctioneer more than a fast talker

Editor's note: "Gimme 5" is a five-question interview on topics of local interest.

What is the peak of auction season and how much business will you see?
"The peak would probably be in May and June. People are doing their moving and cleaning and getting rid of stuff they don't want. A lot of people move in the spring, more so than in any other time."

How did you first become an auctioneer?
"I just took an interest in it. I thought it'd be a nice side job and that's exactly what it amounted to. I'm (also) a charter coach driver."

How did you develop the talents of talking fast, acknowledging people in a crowd and ramping up prices?
"Practice, practice, practice, just like anything else. Everybody can do it, only some do it better."

Do your speaking skills translate into family life too?
"No, no, it doesn't work that way. It's a different situation when you're selling than when you're visiting."

How fast can you talk?
"Very, very fast but a lot of times you don't want to do that, you have to be clear and know the merchandise you're selling. It's more important than being fast."

- Keighla Schmidt

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