Thursday, July 5, 2007

Fabulous Fourth

Ran on Thursday, July 5, 2007

Fabulous Fourth
Family, friends celebrate holiday in patriotic style

By Keighla Schmidt
Leader-Telegram staff

For the past three years, a neighborhood group has celebrated the Fourth of July in style - patriotic style, that is.
The group hung strings of red, white and blue crepe paper stapled together looking like an American flag hanging from a tree branch at an island in the Carson Park parking lot in Eau Claire.
The group from a neighborhood near Robbins School and the Saturn of Eau Claire car dealership likes to celebrate together because they enjoy being with friends and family.
"It's kind of a tradition," said Ronda Rindy.
David Webster got to the group's usual spot at 9 a.m. Wednesday to stake it out and start decorating. The trees also were adorned with the patriotic streamers, and a tent with coolers of food and grills nearby were part of the group's set up.
Webster said the tradition began a few years ago when some neighbors wanted to attend the annual Fourth of July Eau Claire Express baseball game.
"Then we thought 'Let's make a whole day out of it,' " he said.
This year, the group expected about 35 people to show up in Americana-themed attire ready to grill hot dogs, burgers and brats, ride the train around the park, go to the Express baseball game and finish the night watching the fireworks.
"The kids are the same age; that makes it really cool too," Webster said.
His children, Courtney, 8, and Carter, 12, agreed. Both said they enjoy spending time with friends and family celebrating the national holiday.
Lexi Smith, 12, said she and her father have been coming to Carson Park almost every year of her life, and she likes being with the group of neighbors.
"Carson Park is fun to go to, because of the Cavalier games, the Express games, and the fireworks are pretty fun," she said.
UW-Eau Claire men's basketball coach Terry Gibbons has brought his family to Green Bay for the celebrations in the past, but this year, he decided to take his neighbors up on their invitation and join them in the park.
"This year we decided to stay home and be with friends and family," Gibbons said. "We love baseball, fireworks and the Fourth of July."
The group plans to keep the tradition and celebrate in the same fashion in the future.
Schmidt can be reached at 833-9203, (800) 236-7077 or

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